ronald ferguson wrote:
Should that be Anton Kreamer? In any event he is not in the index of the URL on your site which was apparently last updated on 29 August 2004 (or don't you change the date when you update?). Ah! found his father. You are correct he is on the father's page and also has his own page. So this is either left over from the previous contents on your server or added in the latest update. If when you are creating the web pages the person is being shown in your web pages then there are only 2 possibilities, either there is still a link to the son, and he must be in your files somewhere, or you are looking at the wrong web pages (if you have more thab one set) - which from what you said earlier does not seem likely. I would 1) do a File>File Maintenance>Check/Repair (run again after any corrections) and 2) Use Search>Find>Detailed Search to search for the child's name and see if he pops up. If all is clear, recreate the web pages, and have a look at them on your PC before loading onto your server. Before loading I would delete all the files on the Server and start from scratch.

A thought has occurred to me. If Frank is uploading his files with an FTP client then there are two possible problems that would combine to yield this result. I know of no FTP client that can recursively delete files on the server which have been deleted from the local machine. If Frank did not manually delete the offending file it would naturally remain on the server. Ron's suggestion to delete all the Legacy Generated files from the server before a new upload is good practice in any event. For the links to the offending file to have remained means that the FTP client is probably set to NOT replace existing files. It should be set to overwrite existing files if newer or different size.

Are these possibilities with your set up Frank.

Gene Y.
Researching Young, Zies, Harer & Cox with
Legacy Family Tree

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