Mike, there are probably various ways to do this depending on the situation. However, I would:

1. put in initially her under the Steinway family and note the adoption at the bottom of the screen where you enter her personal info. I would use that name as if it were the maiden name due to the amount of time it would have been used by her. 2. add in the biological parents kind of like you would if a divorce and remarriage took place. 3. I would add her Cassebeer as an alias, not change it under her biological parents. Depending on when she was adopted, she may never have used that name except on adoption papers.

God bless,
Ellen Kramer

On Aug 30, 2009, at 9:23 PM, michael barberi wrote:

I have an ancestor with the surname CASSEBEER. However she was adopted by a STEINWAY family as a child. I recorded her surname as Cassebeer.

Some questions:

1. Do I record her surname as CASSEBEER followed by a parenthesis (Steinway)? 2. Do I record her surname as CASSEBEER but create and Event/Fact describing her adoption and new surname STEINWAY? If so, any tree charts will not show her name as STEINWAY. 3. He marriage record says that a STEINWAY (not a CASSEBEER) got married. Do I include notes about her adoption in the Event/Fact MARRIAGE, etc.

Mike Barberi

In necessariis unitas, in dubiis libertas, in omnibus autem caritas.
In essentials unity, in doubtful things liberty, but in all things love.
St. Augustine (A.D. 354 - 430)

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