>From earlier emails it seems it can not be done. I.e. Show step children on
second husbands BookRpt Narrative Descencent rpt.  I have concluded that
the Report Specification seems to be that the BookRpt  Narriative Descendent
Rpt only shows blood descendants.   Stepping and halving wont cause non
blood step/half children to show.

I tried 2 ways.
1) Innocently, and incorrectly, I entered the second wife's prior children
(two)  as children of her and her second husband.  Then I set the
realtionship between these children to the second husband as 'step'.   They
show in screen family view normally. Default to biological-like. No '1/2'.
The BookRpt  Narrative Descendant ALMOST did the trick.  It showed the
second husband's first marrage and their kid.  It showed the second
husband's second marriage with the kids shown as normal kids. It commented
that the kids relationship to the husband was 'step'.  So far, so good.  The
only 'wrong' thing was the narration said 'THEY' had the following children
(the second wife's prior children).  Which biologically they did not.

So I tried reality:
2) I unlinked the second wife's prior children from the second marriage.  I
relinked the second wifes children to a new marriage of the second wife and
her first husband. This is biologically correct.  The second husband's first
marriage remained biologically correct.   Then I got the second wife's prior
children back into her second marriage (and also the second husband's first
marriage child), I forget how, but they are in the screen family view marked
there as '1/2' and I set the kids relationship to the second marriage
husband and wife as 'Step' appropriately.    This marriage also shows the
husbands kid from his first marriage as '1/2'.   You can tell who the kids
are '1/2' to by their last name.

If the 'second' husband is selected, from the second marriage, his  BookRpt
Narriate Descendant Rpt  shows his first wife and blood kid from first
marriage, and second marriage, but- no second marriage 'step' children.
If the second wife is selected, from the second marriage, it  shows her
first marriage and blood kids from her first marriage, and second husband,
but no 'step' from second marriage. .  I can not find a way to show all the
kids in one aforementioned report.

So the Report Specification seems to be that the BookRpt  Narriative
Descendent Rpt only shows blood descendants.   Stepping and halving doesn't
help.            Any one see it differently?

So, what we need is just a little flag on the Marriage intersection that
means 'show step children'.

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