Sorry, I had to edit a couple of errors in that previous instruction.  Here is 
a cleaner version.
When I clean up my Master Location List, I do the following:

click "Sort" and move one of the "Sorted order" fields up or down so the
 sort order will be different (doesn't matter because we will sort it
back to normal after).  This is important if you have more than the one
required blank location at the top of the list.  The extra blank
locations are caused by a flaw in LegacyFS when it pulls locations from
nFS.  Click "OK" to execute the new sort order.

    2) click "Sort"
again and change the "Sorted order" fields back to the sequence you
prefer.  There should be only one blank location at the top of the table
 after this sort.  If you "Show List" on this blank location it will
tell you that "it is used by Legacy as a blank record."

    3) click "Options" then "Expand/Contract Location Parts"
        a) check all the "Parts to Work On" boxes
 b) check the "Remove USA and United States" box (you can put them back
later if you prefer but for now it will aid in matching up duplicate
        c) set the radio button "All Locations in List" under "Records to 
Change" (unless you prefer another choice)
        d) click "Continue" and wait for the table to be modified

 4) click "Options" then "Combine Duplicates" and then "Yes" to
automatically combine all the duplicate locations in the table then wait
 for it to finish.  If there were duplicates, it will report how many
were combined.

    5) click "Options" then "Purge Unused" and then
"Yes" to remove the
 locations which are not linked to any records in the database.  If
locations were purged, a report is produced and you can view it if you

    6) Now that the above functions have cleaned up quite a few
 things in the locations table, I am ready to use "Search and Replace"
on the table to fix erroneous abbreviations, mis-spellings, etc.  The
search and replace works much like a word processor except only on the
"Find where" field in the database.  Examples follow (quote marks are
used to show included spaces - do not include the quote marks in your
find or replace fields):
        Find what          Replacement text        How to
        " Mass."            " Massachusetts"        Anywhere in field
        " Mass"             " Massachusetts"        Ends with
        " Conn."             " Connecticut"             Anywhere in field
        " Conn"              " Connecticut"             Ends with
 Co.,"               " County,"                   Anywhere in field
        " Co,"                " County,"                   Anywhere in field

 the space before the Co. and the comma after the Co are important in
the "Find what" string and the same space and comma are important in the
 "Replacement text" string.  Observe that the period in " Mass." makes
the string unique enough to be found anywhere in the field.  Without the
 period in " Mass" you should only replace at the end of the field
otherwise you could change Massachusetts
 to Massachusettsachusetts which would not be very
 desirable so that replacement is limited to the end of field only. 
Also be sure to always set the radio button in How to Replace to
"Replace only found text with replacement text" otherwise everything
that was in the field will be gone and just the replacement text will

Once all the Search and Replace modifications have been made, run steps 4 and 5 
again to combine newly formed duplicates resulting from your editing.

    7) One last tip.  Check the box at the bottom of the search
and replace window called "Come back to this screen after the Search and
 Replace".  This causes the program to stay in the Search and Replace
tool until you are finished with all your searches.  You can even use
the search and replace to simply locate information in any field of the
database and then either "Skip" to bypass the replacement or make the
Replacement text the same as the Find what field so that even if you
accidentally click "Replace" there would be no change.

As has
been mentioned elsewhere, the Find where field for the long location
name in the Master Location List is
 "Lists-Location" and the short location name is Lists-Location Short. 
You can just as easily use the Search and Replace tool on any of the
fields in the database.

Ron Taylor

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