While it is always hard to tell, it appears that Delaware may be close
to being indexed. I see Colorado is their "priority" state now. It
always takes a bit for them to get up what has been indexed but this
appears to be going faster than normal. I did five pages tonight and
within two hours two of them had already been arbitrated.

While others are waiting for ancestry, my hope is the consolidated
effort between familysearch, three major gen societies and two other
providers, works - and works well.  Ancestry doesn't seem to want to
play well in the genealogy sandbox on this one. And since Legacy works
so well with familysearch - this could help all of us.


On 4/2/2012 10:03 PM, Paula Ryburn wrote:
> Excellent - I tried to download a batch this a.m. and couldn't get one.
> --Paula
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> **

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