Here are some hints to help the PPs work for you and not against you.

The first thing you need to do it go to Tools > Potential Problems and set your 
preferences.  You can skip the Records tab, that is for when you want to run a 
report.  Look at the Warnings, Problems, Standardization and Gaps tabs.  Review 
the selections to see if there is anything you want to change.  The "Gaps" 
warnings is more for new researchers.  Seasoned researchers know to look for 
these gaps automatically.  They know that they can signal either an unknown 
child or possibly a second marriage.  I have the Gaps option completely turned 

Here is another thing you will want to do to decrease the number of potential 
problems.  If you use any events that normally occur AFTER someone died 
(Cemetery, Obituary are two common ones) you will want to exclude these from 
the Potential Problems checking GLOBALLY.  Go to View > Master Lists  > Event 
Definition.  Highlight the event and then click Edit over on the right.  At the 
top of this box you will see some check mark boxes.  Make sure you check 
Exclude from Potential Problems Report.

Another thing that will cut down on PP errors is to globally sort your children 
and then tell Legacy to sort the children as you enter new ones (you can also 
do this for marriages and events but those two don't flag as errors)

To globally sort...  Go to Tools > Other Tools > Sort Children, Marriages, and 
Events.  Check mark the ones you want to do and there you go.  Now we need to 
set it in the Options menu.  Go to Options > Customize > 2. Data Entry
2.2 When Adding New Spouses, Children, and Events (gbl).  Set your check marks 
here and now you are finished.

You don't want to let the Potential Problems to get too far ahead of you.  If 
something is not a problem then mark it as such right then (hover over the PP 
icon and follow the directions that appear in the box that pops up).  I would 
also run a global report from time to time to check on the outstanding ones 
that you haven't cleared yet (Tools > Potential Problems, this time go to the 
Records tab)

Technical Support

-----Original Message-----
From: singhals []
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:51 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] Potential Problems flags

The database I'm currently working in only has about 15,000 names.  If I have 
1000 without a PP flag, I'll be surprised.

Are those things making anyone crazy?

I tried changing the flagging limits, with minimal success, until finally the 
limits became meaningless and I had to re-do them.

I drove myself batty looking at each of the flags, but that many people that 
many flags you tend to lose mental track of which flag you might be able to fix.

I looked for a way to enable PPs only on new data.  Don't see one. If there is 
one someone found, wave violently, please.

I've turned the things off.  That's probably going to bring me grief when I 
type 1868 and mean 1968 or 1786, but I'm going to hope those will be obvious to 
me at some point and not get lost in a forest of red !


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