
The program does not automatically update.  The only way it will update is if 
you tell it to.  There are two ways to update.  You can go to the Legacy Home 
tab and over on the right you will see if there is an update available.  You 
can then click on the update if you want to install it.  Or, you can update on 
our website.

Neither Legacy 7.5 nor Legacy 8.0 does automatic updates.


Technical Support <> <>

From: Alexa []
Sent: Monday, March 17, 2014 2:50 AM
Subject: [LegacyUG] How to prevent Legacy updates?

I'd like to know how to prevent automatic updates/upgrades to Legacy 8. I've 
only had the program for about two weeks, am still learning it, and tonight, I 
attempted to add more people and discovered there has been an update that has 
made dramatic changes to the interface (ribbon?)!

I want don't want automatic updates. How can I stop them?

I was using Legacy 7.5 which I like so much better, but somewhere along the 
line it updated (or upgraded) so much that I couldn't transfer my old file to a 
new computer. My old computer broke before I could make a new gedcom, and my 
new computer couldn't read my file that I had stored on an external hard drive 
because even though I have the program disk for Legacy 7.5, the 
updates/upgrades are no longer available online, and the file was no longer 
compatible with Legacy 7.5.

I had to buy Legacy 8 to read my file. Now the darn thing is already 
updating/upgrading without my permission and has made dramatic changes to the 

Please Help!!!


Alexa    <>
Genealogical research since 1974

Ancestral hauntings - I ain't afraid-a no ghosts...

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