I just discovered a gold mine. A historian that I've known for years,
but lost touch with now has a weekly column in a small town newspaper.
In it, he prints social items from times past in the newspaper and in
every single article he's ever written, they're archived online, my
family is mentioned.

Normally, I just cite the single article, but these are numerous. How
do I go about doing this? Since I've just found it, I've only done two
articles but then I stopped to read them all and realized that there
will be many more than just the two. Before I go further, I want to
make sure I'm doing it the best way.

Should I make one source and then put each article in the Source
Detail? Or should I put each article in the Comments of the Main
Source? I'd like to be able to keep a running list of all articles,
rather than have them scattered about by each citation. Don't you
think that's easier?

Many thanks!


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