1. Any source (Basic or SourceWriter) can be copied to the source clipboard from a person's source list and then pasted to any other person or another event for the same person.

Yes you can add as many New sources as you wish without immediately linking them to someone. The easiest way to do this is from the "Add a New Source" button on anyone's source list screen or via the Master source list itself (View > Master Lists > Source) using the add button there.

I do not think you can add New sources without linking via the source clipboard because it wants you to add a source detail (the specific details for one person).

Brian Kelly

On 06-Feb-17 11:35 AM, JoAnne Flynn wrote:
*Forgive me if this is a really dumb question but I just started trying to
learn to use the Source Writer and Clipboard.*

*I need help / clarification on something  (although I have already read
the book and watched the video's !!)*

*In the past, I was just using the Basic System. I have 15-20 sources
entered using that system and have connected them to people in my Tree.
  **Can "Basic System" sources be used on the clipboard ?*

*If I wanted to add a "bunch" of new sources .... Can I just add them to
the Master Source list and cite them to the correct people in my Tree later
?? ..... **or do I have to immediately add them to a specific person in my

*In other words, can I use the Source Writer to build my Master List and
afterwards, go back and link these sources to the correct people and info
.... and use the Clipboard to do this more quickly *

Thanks for your guidance



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