One of the Virtual User Group Webinars has a big section on Tagging.



Denise Moss-Fritch <>
Friday, 2 June 2017 12:16 AM

Unfortunately only Vol 1 is still sold. I have been asking about Vol 2 for
nearly a year now and have been told it is 'on the list' for updating, but
no announcement yet. Yes, it would be nice to have some real depth
information about tagging and how to tie that into the hashtags.


-----Original Message-----

I am not sure if there is a Webinar but they do sell two sets of training
videos, Volume 2 includes a video called Tagging and Searching made easy.
The set sells for US$ 32.95 plus shipping.
See the description of both sets here:

Brian Kelly

Brian Kelly <>
Thursday, 1 June 2017 11:26 PM
I am not sure if there is a Webinar but they do sell two sets of training videos, Volume 2 includes a video called Tagging and Searching made easy. The set sells for US$ 32.95 plus shipping.
See the description of both sets here:

The free training video Legacy for Beginners, See page above, has a section on importing a GEDCOM. I did not see any mention of exporting a GEDCOM however.

Brian Kelly

Leonard J. McCown <>
Thursday, 1 June 2017 9:21 PM

*Has there been a webinar that covers tagging, and doing a GEDCOM from start to finish? I cannot seem to get it. Regardless of how much I read, nothing seems to say, start here first, and do this first. I have used programs where all you did was choose who to being with and it was so easy and direct, so now I am lost. I know I am older, but hope I am not that far gone. Leonard*





*Leonard J. McCown, Irving, Texas -- McCown Family History*

*217 West 14th Street, Irving, Texas 75060-5903*


**<>*-- *****

*People will not look forward to posterity who never look backward to*

*their ancestors. -- Edmund Burke, 1790*



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