
    OK, I think that are you are working like this.

1. Open the family and select the Wife
2. On her details, click on the parents icon, 2nd from left
3. Click on Link to Existing Parents
4. You get shown a Marriage List with the Husbands name entered as 'her surname,' and the link located by it. If her surname is blank, you get the husband set up a ',' and pointed at a fake marriage - Unknown and Unknown.

If I do that for her husband (in my case these are the top pair of my ancestors), I get a Marriage List with the selection fields blank and pointed at his marriage.

In either case, if the new parents are in the tree I can locate the appropriate marriage and Select it.

The other way is to select the person and then right-click on the Click to Add Father or Add Mother above them, and then take the Link to Parents.. option. In this case you get the Marriage List set up with the persons surname in the selection for both Father and Mother.

Otherwise, if I just click on the Click to Add option and then on the Link to a Existing person I then get a Name List and am located to the top with no selection set up.

Alternatively, if I thought that the parents were in the list I would then locate them, from the Index, and add him or her as an existing child.

I am not sure if this an issue or not, though it might be a slight coding error.



------ Original Message ------
From: "Gene Hutson" <bigfish68...@gmail.com>
To: "Legacy User Group" <legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com>
Sent: 02/07/2018 19:29:15
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] existing parents

Hi Jenny,

   Say you add a wife, you know you have or you suspect you

    already have her parents, she just needs to be connected,

    right click on her, add existing parents, dialog box opens and

    her surname is already there, simple matter of adding her father’s

    given name and seeing if they are the right pair.

   Now do the same thing only in reverse, you’ve added a husband,

right click on him, add existing parents, his full name is where you

begin, nothing already in the dialog box above, yet with her it was.

Clear as mud I’m sure.


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From: Jenny M Benson <mailto:ge...@cedarbank.me.uk>
Sent: Monday, July 2, 2018 12:15 PM
To: legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] existing parents

On 02/07/2018 17:47, Gene Hutson wrote:

> Anyone notice when adding existing parents, if it is to the bride’s side,


> her surname pops up with a comma and you just have to put in the


> father’s given name, if it on the groom’s side, it jumps right to him, no


> name at all, you have to search out whom you are looking for??


Either I am not understanding what you mean, or I'm not seeing the same

behaviour.  When I click on the "Father" sapce above an existing wife

and am asked if I want to add a new father, her surname shows in the

appropriate place, and if I a adding a father to the existing husband,

his surname appears.


Jenny M Benson - http://jennygenes.blogspot.co.uk/

Wrexham, UK


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