HI Jill,

You're probably right - I don't always read every word when I answer things before I've had enough coffee.

A simple restore would fix this one if little had been done in the file since.

The important lesson is that everyone needs to learn how to restore so that it's not such a drama when a backup is required.

Also deleting is rarely the solution to relationship issues in Legacy.


Jill’s Genealogy wrote:

Hi Cathy, didn’t Marianne mention she saved a previous version of the file, with the two wives, with only 2 or 3 additions since then that could be easily redone?  Why not just open the back up file?  And then get clear instructions for deleting or unlinking the 2nd wife?  Or is that what you said?  It didn’t sound like it because you are talking about using restore, etc.  merging and duplicates.

Asking because this sounds like something I would easily do!!!  (I think I did early on actually!)

Warmest Regards,
Jill Baty

On Jul 14, 2018, at 12:24 AM, Cathy Pinner <genea...@gmail.com> wrote:


I did say you'd have to manually link.

You can safely delete the extra copies that have new RINs.
Just make sure you do a Check/Repair first.

No there is no way to undo a Restore - that's why you don't overwrite the file unless that's what you mean to do, you give the restore a new name.

There are sometimes ways to undo the last duplicate Merge or the last import but I don't think there is for the Drag and Drop. And once you've done something else, the option is gone.

Having added someone back in to your Direct Line you'll need to both reset your Direct Line and reset the Relationships - both on the Tools Ribbon. Then you'll get your children back in bold.

One key for peace of mind when doing new things is to always make a backup before you start. Then if you get it wrong as you're learning, you can restore the backup and try again now you know how it works.


Marianne Nolan wrote:

Well I think I followed the directions you and the article gave, but I
got more than I wanted.  I tried once to drag Abe to the proper
place, but it did not show his data. /So I tried again (bad idea)/,
same "result"--but then it occurred to me to see if Abe had been
restored but just needed to be manually re-linked to Tabby.  That
worked!  But then I realized my first 2 attempts to restore him had
indeed made more copies of Abe, and his parents, and Tabby (Abe and
Tabby both have 2 copies with the original RINs and more with new
RINs.  Only the ones with the original RINs have the children
linked--though they all now say they are 1/2 relations.  Also, from
Abe's parent's screens, child Abe is not bolded to show he is my
direct line ancestor. Those are just the problems I have identified;
there probably are more.

I thought I had read there was a way to just abandon the restore as
long as I have the family file open, but can't find that information
again.  I'm going to leave my computer on all night and see if I get a
response in the morning.

If I close down the file will I then have to manually merge each of
the duplicates, which by now are quite numerous?  Or can I delete the
newly created duplicates that have new RIN numbers now, and just
unlink the duplicate original entries?

Guess I should not have started this on Friday the 13th.


*From:* Cathy Pinner <genea...@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Friday, July 13, 2018 12:33 AM
*To:* Legacy User Group; Marianne Nolan
*Subject:* Re: [LegacyUG] I accidentally deleted a very important
ancestor and all his data and events

You can restore a backup to a different name and then use Split Screen
to drag and drop this person over to your current file and then link
him in again.

In future remember to unlink and not delete extra spouses. The only
time you might delete is if the peopl have different RINs but are
clearly the same person - but even then I'd be more likely to Manual
Merge them

You use File - Restore file and note carefully that you can change the
filename before you click Save to complete the restore.  If you
overwrite your current file you'll lose anything you've done since the
backup you are restoring.

See further on how here:

When you've retrieved your person, I recommend you delete the file you
restored using File - Delete File when the file is open in Legacy. You
will still have this backup. I recommend that as it's too easy to get
confused between versions of your file.

EVERYBODY - you should practice a Restore so you're not fussed when
you need to use a backup.


Marianne Nolan wrote:

I am unsure what to do to get my ancestor back in my family file but
afraid I might cause further damage!  But this record has way to much
work involved in it to loose it all like this.  He is my 4th
great-grandfather, and my only Rev War veteran.

I noticed that for his wife it was showing 2 husbands, but when I
looked they were both the same person (same RIN) and /identical
data/.  So...I thought I should delete one from her marriage record,
but when I did he (and all his MANY facts and events) totally
disappeared.  Of course, she no longer has a husband, yet all the
seven children appear to still be attached to her now--they just no
longer have a father!

Do I need to do a restore to the next most recent backup file--or can
I just open the last backup file directly from my saved backups--saved
on a thumb drive?  I've never done a restore and I am afraid I'll do
more damage if I try.  I don't think I had added more that 2 or 3 new
events for him tonight, so I would be able to recreat those fairly
easily, if I can just get back everything as it was saved Weds. night
and go from there.

Could someone walk me through the preferred process?

And then, could someone please explain how the duplicate of the same
husband in the wife's file could have happened in the first place?




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