I have set up a Search with 3 elements - individuals with an Event date of 06 June 1841, related to me and not marked with a particular Hashtag.

I am working through the Search list, adding the people to a certain website and setting the relevant Hashtag for each person as I do so. I have been working on this for some time and it has worked perfectly ... until now.

The first person on the Search List now is someone who IS related to me and DOES not have any Hashtags, but she only has two Events which are an Alt. Baptism Event with a date of 05 October 1817 and a Shared Event (shared from a couple's marriage to which she was a Witness) with a date of 25 June 1846.

I do not understand why this person keeps showing up in the Search List. I have done Check & Repair and I have run the Search several times, to no avail. If I change the date in the Search to, say, 01 June 1841, no one is selected, which is the expected result.

I previously ran a very similar search with a different date and different hashtag and that worked perfectly. It is just this one person who appears to have a "phantom event" with the 06 June 1841 date.

Jenny M Benson - http://jennygenes.blogspot.co.uk/
Wrexham, UK


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