On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 12:09:09AM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> Simon Ward wrote:
> > Merely processing into a different format needs to be clarified.  If
> > someone takes OSM ways + nodes + relations and imports it into PostGIS
> > without changing any of it, I see that as processing into a different
> > format.  I believe that PostGIS DB should be freely available.
> Either I am misreading half of what you say, or you are concerned very 
> little about the usability of OpenStreetMap after the license change.

You’re mis‐reading.  OSM data will still be as usable.  More so, people
will derive from it, will translate it, and those forms will also be

Nothing except someone’s inability to agree to sharing makes this any
less usable.

> We're drifting towards a system where people update their mirrors every 
> minute (OSMXAPI is a good example here). It is simply not possible to 
> offer (a) a *current* database dump from OSMXAPI to anyone who requests 
> it at any time, or (b) direct read access to the OSMXAPI database to 
> anyone except what the API provides. [Going out on a limb with (b) as I 
> don't know the internals of OSMXAPI but if it were PostGIS based then 
> (b) would certainly hold.]

I concede on a previous point I made about data being made immediately
accessible vs accessible in reasonable time, but I don’t believe the
PostGIS database in this example should not be free.  Maybe the
requirement should be that a dump (from the last n days, or last change
before then) be made available on request?

> If I combine your statement above with
> > “reasonable” is too variable.  The derived database should be made
> > available as the product using the data is.
> Then this means basically that OSMXAPI would have to shut down, and our 
> own Mapnik tileserver would probably never get beyond importing one 
> planet file per day because every planet file import would mean, at the 
> same time, that a PostGIS dump has to be made available and this might 
> simply take too long to be usable.

Yeah, see above.
A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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