On Fri, Oct 10, 2008 at 01:23:45PM +0200, Frederik Ramm wrote:
> I guess that is the core of Simon's argument - he fears that in some 
> kind of doomsday scenario you would be stranded with only the derived 
> product and no access to the real thing, that's why he wants the derived 
> product accessible.

Gah!  If someone gives you a database of OSM data not in OSM’s original
format, they have already provided it to you.  The source[*] should be
available so you are free to make your own modifications.

([*] I’m willing to allow that “source” could be a lossless and
reversible translation of the original where both the translation and
reverse processes are also freely available.)

> I guess the easiest way would then be to leave this to the user: 
> *Either* make your derived product so accessible that someone can 
> somehow extract data from it, *or* ship the original OSM data from which 
> you made your derived product alongside the derived product - whatever 
> is easier for you.

That’s not a problem with free software.  Why is it a problem with free

(Or it is seen as a problem, but only by those who don’t value others’

> (     ... this whole discussion is, once again, getting into the 
> negative, with us discussing all sorts of evil uses that have to be 
> safeguarded against by implementing measures that will be a burden to 
> everyone, evil or not evil.)

Our freedoms are very important, they should be safeguarded.  They’re
only a burden if you try to restrict the freedom of other users.

You may not see it that way, or value your freedom as much as I value
everyone’s freedoms.  If that’s the case there’s not much point in you
discussing further, since it sounds like you are trying to protect some
assumed right to remove the freedoms already given.

A complex system that works is invariably found to have evolved from a
simple system that works.—John Gall

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