On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 1:47 PM, Ed Avis <e...@waniasset.com> wrote:
>  Even if you agree that CC-BY-SA is less than ideal,

It's not "less than ideal". It's dreadful. The OSMF license team have
created a document explaining why. We've had lawyers confirming that
it probably doesn't work. Even the people who created it say that it
should not be used for data. That is, Creative Commons have advised
us, and everyone else, to not use CCBYSA for data. It doesn't come
more plain than that.

But that hasn't stopped you from having your own opinion, which is
that you aren't swayed by all the evidence to the contrary, and
whenever you ask for such evidence and it's provided, you seem to
shrug it off anyway. I'm not sure if there's any avenue left that we
can help you with? If it's your settled decision that CCBYSA is
actually OK, even after all this, then I can't think of anything that
will help inform your decision more than what's been said already.

>  After all if we go through one big data deletion
> and relicensing, what's to stop it happening again later?

Have you read the proposed contributor terms? I'm not sure whether
your question is just rhetorical speculation, or whether you have
suggested changes to the proposed contributor terms that might help
solve whichever problem it is you think that there might be in the


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