Am 07.07.2011 01:40, schrieb John Smith:
On 7 July 2011 09:34, Simon Poole<>  wrote:
That does not imply that individual contributors actually hold any rights in
the data they
contributed.  As we know, that is a difficult question and depends on
jurisdiction and so
on, and my take on it would be: probably not. For all practical purposes we
are simply
pretending that such rights exist and it just doesn't make sense to spend
hours arguing
about if moving a node creates a derivative work, because again -we are just
Think that all you like, it won't make it any more true than the
comment about copyright not really applying in the digital age, the
fact is maps and map making are covered by copyright, and copyright is
recognised in most countries. Otherwise we could take other
copyrighted maps and copy them.

-Maps- are covered by copyright. But a pile of geo data is not a map, and I can use it for many many purposes with output that nobody would ever confuse with a map. Just as the collections of measurements that mappers made before the dawn of computers were not a map, but simply
the underlying data.


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