Tomorrow, I am planning to walk along streets which have been marked in red on 
the OSM Inspector. Mainly for exercise, not only for legal reasons. These 
streets exist for about 100 years and everybody who walks there needs to add 
the same tags:
There is no creativity in that, just the luck of being the first editor. In 
2007, an anonymous editor was the lucky first one who noticed a street sign 
that has existed for almost 100 years now. In 2011, I have added some tags to 
v3. If I "created" (produced) a new way with a new number, but the same tags, 
it would be considered CLEAN. If I kept the old way for honouring history 
without legal obligation (as its tags are not covered by copyright), the same 
way with the same tags and the same last editor would be considered DIRTY. 

There is no legal obligation to give credit to first-time fact collectors, but 
there is also no legal requirement not to do it. Copyright only exists on 
fictional or very creative tags, not on facts like street names. The only 
logical argumentation how a way can be affected by copyright is to declare it 
"fictional" or "supposed to be fictional" or "unsure to be factual". However, I 
would be surprised if anybody was really able to find a fictional way among 2.8 
million ways uploaded by decliners.

I would like to tag these ways with odbl=fact in order to indicate that there 
is no other possibility to tag them than with their actual name and their 
actual road condition. The LWG may decide whether to abridge history or not, 
but there is absolutely no reason to remove tags describing the factual road 

Before a license change happens, IMHO the LWG and all participants should try 
to avoid unfitting terms like "tag creator" for those who have just added a 
well-known street name. "Tag attestor" would be more appropriate to describe 
that mappers are just copying facts from reality. First-time attestors do not 
have priority over late attestors and they cannot claim any copyright on facts 
copied from reality. 

Quality would increase if each mapper was able to confirm that a way uploaded 
by other mappers exactly fits reality. Famous places like Broadway in New York 
or Leicester Square in London could have thousands of "attestors" while local 
paths may have just one or two "attestors". Of course, ways with many 
"attestors" should not be deleted even if they were attested first by a 
anonymous or deceased mapper. It takes some time to implement these ATTEST or 
CONFIRM buttons, but I would be happy if they were implemented long before a 
detrimental data loss happens.

NEU: FreePhone - 0ct/min Handyspartarif mit Geld-zurück-Garantie!               
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