Am 10.06.2016 um 16:25 schrieb Tobias Wendorff:
> A question to "the non-OSM and OSM datasets do not reference each other":
> Let's say, I've added municipal road identification numbers to the OSM
> database (not in my extract, but the "real" database).
> I later want to join other information to these identification numbers.
> Isn't this a reference between each other? Actually, it's a database key
> for identifying speecific OSM elements, which may be used with a database
> join, as stated lower down in the guideline.
> Would this make "my" data trigger share-alike?
The specific term simply says that when there is no references between
the datasets it is a Collective Database, or in other words that the
trivial case when there is no interaction is OK too.  Datasets that
reference objects in the other dataset are discussed later on in the


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