In recent local discussions it has emerged that some license has conditions
for the reuse of the data, which may eventually not be completely
compatible with OSM.

In particular it relates to an Italian license which states as a condition
you have to
"not reuse the Information in a way that suggests that it is official or
that Licensor approves your use of the Information;
take all reasonable steps to ensure that the uses permitted above do not
mislead others and that the Information itself is not misrepresented."

original text:
"non riutilizzare le Informazioni in un modo che suggerisca che abbiano
carattere di ufficialità o che il Licenziante approvi l'uso che fai delle
prendere ogni misura ragionevole affinché gli usi innanzi consentiti non
traggano in inganno altri soggetti e le Informazioni medesime non vengano

Can we guarantee that the contained information is not "misrepresented"?
IIRR, in the past we have rejected import plans where such discriminatory
clauses have been present in the license.

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