> What I meant by legal assessment is that I would like to know what OSMF's
> layers
> think of this. I would assume that the OSMF has some sort of legal
> department,
> like the people who have drafted some of the fundamental legal documents
> (like
> Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, Contributor Terms, ODbL etc) regulating
> some
> aspects of OSMF's operations.
> OSMF does not have a legal department. OSMF has the Legal/Licensing
Working Group. I am on that working group. If you want the opinion of the
entire group, you are welcome to request it, and it will perhaps be taken
up on the agenda.

> So, it is absolutely feasible that the Contributor Terms may lack
> something.
> Legal documents, laws, and regulations are not perfect. Nothing is. And,
> it is
> nothing to be ashamed of if anyone spots a loophole or gap in a legal
> document
> or regulation. It is an opportunity for improvement. The Contributor Terms
> have
> been drafted when OpenStreetMap was developing and was accepting not much
> more
> than map data contributions. So, it was sufficient to handle geo-database
> contributions only. Since then, OpenStreetMap has grown, new functionality
> and
> tools have been added. Perhaps OpenStreetMap's progress has outpaced its
> legal
> framework? Or maybe the legal framework did not keep up with
> OpenStreetMap's
> progress? I do not know. What I do know, is that “Content” is limited in
> scope
> to geo-database contributions in the Contributor Terms.
> I read "geo-database contributions" as including changeset comments &
discussions and map notes, because they are tied to the map features. I do
not think geo-database contributions include blog posts.
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