Hello again, all.
There were, not surprisingly, many requests for the hard drive enclosures. 
So I believe, when the dust settles, someone will have taken them, so 
please consider them gone.
The remaining items are still available.

On the last item (Sonnet Tech. Allegro USB-PCIe Expansion cards), the price 
should be dropped. The requested amount is $7.00 apiece (not $20.00) to 
cover 1st class shipping.
If you need more than one, please let me know, we can work out something 
for you.

Thank you again to all who enquired. I have updated the list in deference 
to this renouncement.
Dana (Collins, Ft. Wayne, IN 46807)

On Friday, February 23, 2018 at 5:01:14 PM UTC-5, DLC wrote:
> (My apologies - accidentally hit the "send" key  - here is the info:
> 4) One iLife '08 retail install DVD in retail box
> 5) For legacy musicians: One *Tascam* IF-TAD converter, converts TDIF-1 
> digital signal to the more universal ADAT - like new, in retail box
> 6) One (1) Apple 30-pin to Composite AV Cable, new, in retail box - for 
> older iPads and iPhones, etc.
> 7) Some iPod Touch G4 screen guards
> The last item is for sale, $20 shipped (in the con. US) for each unit.
> There are four (4) of these:
> Sonnet Tech. Allegro USB-PCIe Expansion cards. Installing this into your 
> Mac Pro or G5 with PCIe adds 5 (4 external, 1 internal) USB slots to your 
> unit. all are like new (one may indeed be brand new), complete in retail 
> box. - $20.00 shipped (in the con. US) for each unit, checks to be mailed 
> and made payable to the university (Taylor University)
> Thank you for reading!
> Best regards,
> Dana Collins - Ft. Wayne, IN 46807

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