What an enormously long and interesting thread!

Thanks for the sub-thread on using Leo for plain ol' writing. It rings true
for me. Leo doesn't leverage much of my prior muscle memory, and that leads
me away from it, and once away it takes awhile to return. This is still
true even though I've been using Leo for half a decade now, and have even
contributed a small thing or two to the bzr repository.

I generally use notepad2, notepad++ for quick and dirty scripts (usually
Windows batch files), editing .ini,.conf, xml etc., etc. files. Way fast
startup time and their syntax highlighting know more file types and is more
reliable (complete). They also grok (some) regular expressions.

I use vim (+cream) when I want to do search and replace, which happens a
lot. I just never figured out how to use this properly in Leo;
`[esc]:%s/old-thing/new-thing/g` is just so much faster (modulo the
significant time it takes to construct regular expressions that actually
work!). Saved mini-buffer commands across sessions is also very handy. If
vim+cream was faster to start I'd never use the notepad replacements.

Weirdly, even for python I often use PyScripter instead of Leo. Sometimes
it's because I need to write for a different version of python than I'm
running Leo from. Others it's because the output I get from running a Leo
node as a script differs from the same thing from a cmd
shell/IDLE/PyScripter console. I also find PyScripter's code completion a
bit more intuitive for the way I type (though, I didn't discover that until
I'd already wandered away from Leo for a time).

None of this is meant as a slam against or complaint about Leo! It's just
sharing observations of my personal use/not-use patterns.

Part of my difficulty in becoming comfortable with Leo is that I'm also not
that comfortable with python, or even general programming. I'm not a
software developer; this is changing, but very slowly. Consequently I spend
a lot of in-Leo time in a state of confusion, often unsure whether I'm
trying to learn programming or python or Leo or more about the actual
problem I'm started out trying to solve this morning. :)

Anyway, the point touched on earlier about leveraging the skills and
experience people already have before they encounter Leo is pretty key to
the overall adoption rate, I think.



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