On Wednesday, January 28, 2015 at 5:37:13 PM UTC, Edward K. Ream wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 28, 2015 at 10:24 AM, <karh...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote:
> ​> ​
> Does the solution that you suggest require raw HTML code?
> ​Yes.  I just did an experiment, and you must cut/paste real html.

That's very cumbersome. For most users, it defeats the purpose. The casual 
user wants to be able to simply copy and paste a text from a webpage to a 
Leo's node. When copying data from a webpage, nobody goes to the source 
first and selects the text from the source (also because you would have to 
find the relevant paragraph within the source, which sometimes is like 
finding a needle in a haystack). In short, having to deal with HTML code is 
very, very cumbersome.

What would it take for Leo to accept a text selection directly from a 
webpage (as in simple "copy and paste")? This feature is essential if you 
want Leo to become popular as a data storage system. 

> ​> ​
> Do the richedit and the viewrendered plugins mentioned by you allow me to 
> edit the imported webpage in a WYSIWYG environment? This point is crucial.
> ​Yes, you can do that, as an experiment has just verified.

Which of the two plugins (richtext or viewrendered) supports the WYSIWYG 
environment through which you can edit the imported text? (again, 
without bothering for the source code)

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