
Some years ago I proposed something for Leo, combining two technologies: fossil and Yaml[1], for the same reasons exposed here: fossil a as easier, self contained technology for working with files and Yaml as a diff friendly format to express graphs (trees with clones). At that time the idea didn't advance, but I explored it in Grafoscopio using STON[2] instead of Yaml. Now I have a diff and human friendly format for Grafoscopio notebooks, that can express graphs. For example, the interactive notebook about Panama Papers at [3] is shown in a fossil repository at [4] and a diff with a previous version is on [5].

[1] http://markmail.org/search/?q=leo-editor%20offray%20yaml%20fossil#query:leo-editor%20offray%20yaml%20fossil+page:1+mid:t7xlg7mt5hqnldkn+state:results

[2] https://github.com/svenvc/ston/blob/master/ston-paper.md
[3] http://mutabit.com/offray/blog/en/entry/panama-papers-1
[4] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/panama-papers/artifact/cbfe8929edf64212
[5] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/panama-papers/fdiff?sbs=1&v1=255e79b046584a36&v2=cbfe8929edf64212

Some notes about my thesis that are in Leo have conflicts created by xml + dropbox, that made the XML unreadable from Leo again, as you can see in this fossil repo at [6]. I will try to fix the file to make it loadable again in Leo.

[6] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/doctorado-offray/dir?ci=ab8052282f0847de&name=Tesis

This shows how XML is really a big weakness for Leo and other programs and that other simpler approaches for a diff/human friendly format and technologies for storing complex documents and enabling collaborative projects are available, as the Grafoscopio prototypes shown, but, unfortunately, XML and git have monopolized the developer's imagination. But maybe now we can rethink some core assumptions about technologies and formats behind Leo.

I would try something like this:

- Storing a simple Leo tree as a Yaml tree, including clones and see how far can we push the format, for example, when interaction with external files is represented in that tree (@file, @clean @auto). - Storing Leo and these external files in a single .fossil repository and explore if having this technology as a simple backed for storing files and their history makes easier to work with the changes in such external files. At least in my preliminary explorations, having fossil compiled with JSON support[7][8] has enabled to query, from Grafoscopio, the fossil repository with a simple interface (I have not made any POST experiment yet). Anyway, I could imagine a single .fossil file that makes Leo store a tree and related files, so if any of them changes, the changes are compared against the repository to ease collaboration.

[7] http://fossil.wanderinghorse.net/repos/fwiki/index.cgi/wiki/README
[8] https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fXViveNhDbiXgCuE7QDXQOKeFzf2qNUkBEgiUvoqFN4/view

Hope this helps,



On 13/01/17 14:41, Edward K. Ream wrote:
On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 2:22 PM, vitalije <vitali...@gmail.com <mailto:vitali...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Fossil OTOH, keeps all its data in just one file which is in fact
    just sqlite3 database file.


​> ​
If you are interested in those scripts I will try to find (or recreate) and share them.

​Of course I'm interested ;-)

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