​​On Fri, Feb 10, 2017 at 7:18 AM, Edward K. Ream <edream...@gmail.com>

​This post will be pre-writing for a new section in ​demo.md

​> ​
My task is now clear.  Create demos that* show Leo in action*!​

This really is a programming task. The example top-level script
in demo.md
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/blob/master/leo/doc/demo.md> is
no toy.

The *setup *method defines the 'delta' ivar, incremented when changing font
magnification in Leo's body pane. The *teardown* method restores the
original font magnification. The Demo class catches all exceptions, so it
can call teardown in *all* cases.

The *setup_script* method calls demo.delete_widgets(), which frees
individual demo scripts from having to do so. See below for a practical use
for *teardown_script*.

I want to emphasize something.  Demo scripts can use *all *parts of Leo's
API to "run" Leo automatically. For example, this is one way to create a
new node:

p = c.insertHeadline()
p.h = 'a headline'
p.b = 'some body text'

This means that devs don't have to do *anything* "by hand" when creating a

*Demos are totally reproducible.*
One more cool thing. During development, it's fine to move from one slide
to the next using demo-next (bound to Ctrl-9 in the example top-level
node). Just before creating the video, we can define this *teardown_script*

def teardown_script(self):

Instant automation!  Do you see how cool this is?


P. S. > ...it might be useful to associate names with slides.  That way, we
could tell demo.start to start with the slide of a given name.

A silly idea.  @ignore or @ignore-tree allow devs to skip already
"debugged" nodes.


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