On Mon, Mar 6, 2017 at 4:36 AM, Joe Orr <joe....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Thanks for the welcome back!

​You're welcome. It's truly great to have you back.​

> A few more thoughts on this topic:
> Cool trees is D3 v4:
> https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/e9ba78a2c1070980d1b530800ce7fa2b
> https://bl.ocks.org/mbostock/4063550

​Impressive.  These kinds of radial trees are common in genetics.​

> I'll get the Leo Viewer project up and running within a week or so on
> Github.
> I'm currently working in full stack node development with Angular / Vue on
> front end + D3 at moment so I should be able to leverage some of that. Vue
> seems better for this project than Angular.

​I hadn't heard about either d3 or vue until yesterday. ​

​Keeping up with the js world seems like another full-time job.

> I'm thinking the Leo Viewer could be used to generate some nice display
> examples from Leo generated content. Could be a good way to introduce more
> people to Leo.

​The lack of pizazz in Leo's intro is a kinda like the weather.  Easy to
complain about it.  Glad to see you have plans to do something about it ;-)

Besides D3 there are other HTML5 components that could be added fairly
> easily. For example I'm also thinking it would be cool to have reveal.js
> make a slide show out of a subtree.

​Yet another thing to google.  Great stuff.​

> Once the viewer is useful, it is simple to make an Electron version, which
> makes it a complete cross platform desktop app:
> https://electron.atom.io/

​Wow.  This video
<https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YP_nOCO-4Q&feature=youtu.be> from the
atom page explains the idea.​

And once that is working, the viewer could become an alternate front end to
> the existing Leo program by wrapping Leo in a node server. Node can talk to
> Python.

​On the agenda for this year is incorporating pyzo's <http://www.pyzo.org/>
client-server architecture (yoton
<https://github.com/pyzo/pyzo/tree/master/doc/yoton>) into Leo.​

​ Not sure how this relates to a node server.​  Maybe electron/atom will
replace that goal.

Another thing to think about down the road is making a version of Leo from
> Atom, basically a similar technique (wrap Python in node).
> https://github.com/atom/atom. Already thought of a good name for it: @Leo
> :-)

​Alright then. We have our work cut out for us!  Many thanks, Joe, for all
these great ideas.


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