> ​I would be happy with that, provided that a) settings can be organized 
>> and b) per-document (.leo file) settings are possible.​ ​ The best way of 
>> organizing anything is in a .leo file.​
> As I wrote in the earlier post today, it is trivial in sqlite to open 
connection to several different databases (files). So it is easy to have 
one database file for settings machine wide, another one for settings per 
user, and yet another one for settings per folder (if I am not mistaken 
there used to be possible for user to define settings per project/folder, 
although I have never used that possibility). It is easy to make script to 
dump all relevant (leo, myLeo)settings-files in separate databases. 

@Edward, I have another question. Where is the point where the actual 
reading of Leo document ends and data is transferred in the tree. To be 
more concrete I have found in method getLeoFileHelper of FileCommands class 
the following lines:


fc.rootVnode = v

I thought that is what I was looking for, but on my surprise c.setRootVnode 
is empty method. It does nothing. 
So, how c commander gets the result of loading Leo document? If I knew that 
my prototype will be finished very soon. I have already made possible for 
launchLeo.py to accept '.db' as extension for Leo documents in sqlite 
format and it passes sqlite connection as theFile argument to 
getLeoFileHelper. It could be easily intercepted even before in 
method and control transferred to the caller with complete new outline read 
from database. I just don't know where to transfer the tree restored from 
database and built in memory. 

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