> I don't see a clear reason for all settings to be in each Leo outline, 
> I think users are used to personal and default settings that are 
> separate from file specific settings. 
> Cheers -Terry 

That is what I thought as first solution. The reason I had in mind for the 
second variant was that we can possibly reduce search trouble for all 
folders and files to check. If everything is inside database file the only 
sacrifice we have to make is to allow some documents to have outdated 
settings. In return we get the ability to have c.config working in fewer 
steps. Perhaps it is not so important as I thought it would be. OTOH, maybe 
it could have some advantages. For example it maybe useful sometimes when 
sharing Leo documents to share them along with all their settings. If 
shared file relies on some settings from myLeoSettings.leo, then it could 
happen that when opened on some other machine it won't look/work the same. 

In case we have parallel sqlite and xml versions of settings, we have to 
sync them and to check if user edited one and not the other. Also we have 
to keep all present code in case there are no sqlite versions of files. We 
won't be able to remove anything in init code and no simplification that I 
hoped for. The second solution was in essence plan for migration to new 
file format and then simplifying by eliminating unnecessary blocks of code. 


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