I noticed that in the conda/pip installed versions of python3 and PyQt5 
there is the QtWebKitWidgets module missing, which I believe is a 
prerequisite for viewrendered.

In the xubuntu 16.04 provided packages the modules QtWebKitWidgets and 
PySvg are both present, but it still does not load. The version of PyQt 
installed by xubuntu is 5.5.1, though and I saw a post suggesting this 
version is not compatible with viewrendered.

I also don't see any python(3)-pyqt4.qtwebkit package on xubuntu 16.04 - 
qtwebkit seems to be only in Qt5 versions available for xubuntu.

Anther post suggested that also the qsci module, is needed.

I would like to know what are the prerequisites for viewrendered actually?

- Josef


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