#994 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/994> suggests running 
pytest from unitTest.leo.

Running pytest from the command line (from the leo-editor folder) "just 
works".  So the major remaining task is to run pytest from inside 
unitTest.leo.  That should be straightforward, following the example of 
Anaconda3/Scripts/pytest-script.py.  The pytest docs 
<https://docs.pytest.org/en/latest/contents.html#toc> suggest several other 
ways of integrating pytest.  I'll be reading them today.

pytest found several errors in leo/external/rope, which I had forgotten 
about.  I am going to remove the entire rope folder, and all it's 
subfolders.  It must be way out of date.


Feel free to add pytest scripts to Leo.  There is no need to wait for 
#994.  Just make sure Leo continues to load ;-)


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