Seems this issue needs a lot of thought.  Niklas Luhmann's zettels had 
numerical ID numbers, without textual clues as to their content.  And it 
was a paper system. And he certainly didn't work by remembering filenames 
(he had 75,000 zettels). I don't think it could have worked with textual, 
meaning-based filenames---not for that big a system (and I have the same 
problem, not on his scale but I will at least be in the 10s of thousands I 
think). How did he do it?  Well, we know he had an indexing system, though 
we don't know much about it. And we know that his zettel ID numbering 
system itself created 'clusters', so the zettel IDs served as a sort of 
internal indexing system, which was in turn connected with his external 
indexing system (I'm assuming his indexing was external to the zettelkasten 
itself. The software zettelkasten systems I've seen simply generate a 
time-based numerical UID. Fine for the system, but gibberish to the user, 
so they do not employ Luhmann's type of indexing system.  Maybe we need to 
figure out how to employ those principles. Maybe some sort of indexing 
system is what I'm fishing for when I talk about 'mapping'.  I'm going to 
be thinking about this.

I understand your wanting individual text-based filenames, in order to be 
forward-compatible with an uncertain future. I get that and agree with the 
principle.  But it appears to me that while that idea is forward-compatible 
it's not current-compatible with a software-based zettelkasten.  How do we 
resolve this?  Well, you suggested an optional, user-entered title as the 
UID. What if the system could (optionally) generate a separate file using 
the zettel title as the filename? The reason I say 'optionally' generate 
that file is that in my case I do intend to use titles, but they won't be 
unique. I might use the same title for a hundred different zettels, some on 
entirely different subjects. 

Hard to conceive?  Well here's an example for a PIM system: a file called 
Books of Interest. Now suppose my PIM system covers a number of different 
categories, in each one of which I want a list of books of interest.  In my 
system, which is a thoughts system, not a PIM system, there will be 
thoughts, concepts, ideas, themes that occur in many different contexts, 
hence the high likelihood of identical zettel titles in many contexts. 
That's why I need much more than just a simple filename in order to locate 
any given zettel in its full context, to say nothing of my inability to 
remember thousands of files. This is the magic of the zettelkasten system. 
So in my thinking, using a zettel's title for its UID won't work in this 
kind of system (maybe I should say in *my* use case of this kind of 
system).  But, having said that, I certainly can buy into what I'm calling 
your forward-compatibility principle.  

So how about going with the best of both worlds, and provide an option to 
generate files by zettel title? They could be loaded into an archive as 
both a second copy of the files, and as a hedge against an unknown future. 
Or if you want, an *option *to use zettel titles as UIDs instead of having 
the system generate time-based UIDs (Let the system do it: I wouldn't want 
to type those in either).

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