I have been working on this post for about a week. The way forward has just 
become clear:

The work in 2019 will be the foundation for this year's work.

The work in 2020 will focus on bridges between programs.

*2019 Retrospective*

6.0 Completed the switchover to Python 3. This is a happy development.

6.0 also added support for Qt docks, a prerequisite for several planned 

6.1 completed the pyzo_in_leo plugin. I *can't recommend this plugin*, but 
it may become valuable this year.

6.2 fixes all serious known bugs. It also uses fstrings throughout Leo's 
code base, which I think is worth the work. 

*2020: The year of the bridge*

The focus this year will be on *relatively simple* bridges between various 
apps and tools.

1. Thomas's recent post re graaljs <https://github.com/graalvm/graaljs>is a 
great example. A few lines of code allows Leo to run javascript code from 
any Leo node.

2. A few days ago I discovered Bokeh <https://bokeh.org/>. This was an 
important discovery:

- Bokeh's graphics libraries offer d3 <https://d3js.org/> capabilities in 

The VR (and VR3?) plugins should be able to support Bokeh fairly easily.

- Bokeh's client/server architecture should provide a ready-made bridge to 
the Jupyter world.

I'll be studying Bokeh in detail.

3. #1235 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1235> (neovim) 
will depend on a bridge between neovim (a neovim plugin) and Leo.

4. #1384 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1384> (pyzo) will 
depend on a bridge between pyzo and Leo.

The pyzo_in_leo plugin should allow Leo to inject bridge code into pyzo 
itself. Alternatively, the pyzo_in_leo plugin could inject a full plugin 
architecture into pyzo. We'll see what's better...


This week I have been wrestling with a sense that last year's work was not 
particularly valuable. Now I see it will be a firm foundation for this 
year's work.

The focus of Leo 6.3 will be on *relatively simple* bridges between Leo and 
other apps or libraries.

graaljs <https://github.com/graalvm/graaljs> makes Leo a better platform 
for javascript development.

Bokeh <https://bokeh.org/> may be the long-sought bridge between Leo and 

Bokeh is built on Tornado <https://www.tornadoweb.org/en/stable/>. I'll be 
studying Bokeh, Tornado, yoton <https://yoton.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>and 
other client/server tools, looking for the best way forward.

This new focus came from becoming clear about what I *won't *do.  See the 
Post Script for details.

There are other items on the 6.3 list 
#1269 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1269> (Improve key 
handling) is the most ambitious. For now I shall focus on building bridges.

All comments welcome.


P.S. This new focus is a result of becoming clear about what I *won't* do:

1. Last year we reached consensus that Leo will remain a desktop app.

2. Rust will remain an interesting sideline. The leo-in-rust branch will 
contain experiments with the rust language. I have no plans to contribute 
to this branch at this time.

3. Imo, live coding is a dead end. The cool demos are toys which can not be 
scaled up:

A: *Graphics*: Any graphics-based demo could be more easily recreated with 
a slider that changes the graphics values.

Alternatively, you could just put your graphics code into a Leo node and 
hit Ctrl-B when you are ready for a new run.

You could create an @button node to rerun the graphics code on every Leo 
keystroke, but that's just silly. Most of the time you would either get a 
syntax error or a graph using an intermediate value.

B: *Music*.  Similarly, a "live" music app would be more usefully coded 
with sliders.

C. *Apps*. Changing a large app on the fly is either silly, or dangerous, 
or both.

I am not going to invest in learning the tools of the Pharo world. Otoh, 
browsing such tools lead me to Bokeh, so the time was well spent :-)

4. Yesterday I reviewed some of Offray's links re Pharo. The Hyperscope 
screencast <https://vimeo.com/81238285> shows how far ahead of its time 
Hyperscope was.

There are obvious parallels between Leo and Hyperscope.  The Hyperscope 
links are basically gnx's. Showing them on-screen is pretty geeky. Adding 
view options to links is even more geeky. Leo's clones are far superior.

Hyperscope's transclusion of links would be one way to do #946 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/946>. Also, the Hyperscope 
way is much like #1279 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/1279>. It's not a high 


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