Hello Jan,

The most solid way is to install from sources 
but unfortunately it's not the friendliest route for non-comandline folk.


1. Install python (v3.6+)
2. Download Leo sources, and unpack somehwere convenient (e.g. 
3. Install with pip from a python enabled command prompt :
pip install --editable c:\apps\leo-editor
4. Run leo.

>From your reported errors step 3 wasn't run or something went wrong with it 
(the dependent library PyQt5 wasn't installed, and probably others).

Anaconda specific for Windows:

*Start >> Anaconda Shell*, then:

python --version
pip install --editable c:\apps\leo-editor

The Pip install part will output a lot of messages. Generally the first and 
last 10 lines or so are most useful for troubleshooting.



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