Hi Matt, 

In this Thread, Ar-jan tells me the command 'start server' works form 

That's the same command that is launched as when the 'start server 
automatically' is set.

So unless i'm mistaken he seems to have found a good procedure or command 
line entry to set in the leointeg's options, in order to start the server 
via the leoInteg extension, as would someone who uses a 'compiled' version 
of the extension from the vscode 'online market'.

Just to clarify, theres 3 (even 4 or 5) ways to start the 
leobridgeserver.py server, 
1- through vscode's debugger (*F5* with the "*server and extension"* profile 
selected) (that requires installing python extensions and all that, which 
should not be required for someone using the extension for non-python stuff 
and not wanting to debug it while it runs, such as a casual leo user 
writing html, text, or non-python code)
2-through vscodes (original window - not the extension host) 's terminal.
3- through your OS'es generic console terminal like you would any other 
4- through leoIntegs's 'start server' command which is just a 'launch 
process', (same as setting the 'start server automatically' in the options, 
as stated above) 
5- through vscode (the extension host this time) 's terminal window.

(With the goal being of ultimately finding a way for #4 in this list )

People pressing F5 (start debuging) need to check which debug profile 
they're on first! otherwise they might have started a server and then get 
another 'port in use' error when actually also having leoInteg itself try 
to start a server instance on your machine.

So please take the time to go through the thread mentionned in leoIntegs 
issues (#10 <https://github.com/boltex/leointeg/issues/10>) if you haven't 
already, (or if you have, maybe new info was added.)

Anyways i'm just throwing all that info here in case it brings something to 
light that may have been overlooked and I'm very grateful for the time and 
effort you've placed in trying to make a guide for conda/anaconda users. 
(i'm very much ignorant about those)

I intend to address the documentation and provide better support for 
conda/anaconda users so any help is appreciated!

Thanks Again Matt! 

On Monday, July 6, 2020 at 12:41:28 PM UTC-4, Matt Wilkie wrote:
> I just noticed you ran "npm audit fix" after running "npm install" so i'm 
>> not sure what dependency might have been raised to a version that might be 
>> problematic.
> Interesting. The first time I ran `npm install` in red text it reported 
> 320 vulnerabilities 70 of which were severe. (I neglected to capture the 
> log, so the 70 number is not exact.) 
> I removed `leointeg\node_modules` and ran npm install again. This time it 
> reported only 11 low severity vulnerabilities:
> added 1034 packages from 542 contributors and audited 1104 packages in 
> 47.144s
> 17 packages are looking for funding
>   run `npm fund` for details
> found 11 low severity vulnerabilities
>   run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details
> After this there is no change to the previous reported behaviour.
>> Also, (as stated elsewhere), I also forgot to mention Leo's devel branch 
>> should be used with Leo, for multi-file support, until it's next release.
> Good to know. I am using Leo devel branch with leointeg, but heretofore 
> that was by habit and not intention. ;-) 
> Many thanks again! 
> You're welcome. Thanks for introducing me to vscode. Before now I had 
> ignored it as I'm happy enough with the tools I know (Leo, Notepad++, 
> Pyzo). Vscode has much to recommend it, and I'm happy to be exploring that 
> first hand.
> -matt

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