I've issued a PR for VR3, and otherwise it is available from my Git repo on 
the vr3-asciidoc branch -


The processing for Asciidoc has been upgraded to be on a par with 
reStructured Text and Markdown.  This means that it handles rendering an 
entire subtree, code blocks only, Python code execution, and honors @/@c 
and @image directives.  Trees and @language blocks need to use the name 
"asciidoc" in language directives.  Not that this is *not* the same as the adoc 
directive that Leo already has.

There are some limitations, and not every Asciidoc construct hast been 

- an file include instruction inside a code block will not be understood.
- Mathjax symbols and equations do not work even though the Asciidoc3 
documentation suggests it should.

I have found that Asciidoc processing is *much slower* than for RsT and 
Md.  For example, 15k of Rst takes much less than a second to process but 
20k of Asciidoc text takes about 10 seconds on my computer, which is pretty 
fast.  So I can't recommend rendering entire subtrees if they are long.  It 
is likely that using the Ruby version of asciidoc would be much faster 
(they claim a factor of 100), but I have not tested this.

VR3 can use two Python versions of Asciidoc processors - the original asciidoc 
and the fork asciidoc3.  There is a setting to prefer one over the other, 
e.g. -

@bool vr3-prefer-asciidoc3 = False

VR3 will try to import their code.  If that fails, it will fall back to 
running the processor's executable file external to Leo, if that file can 
be found.  On Windows, this means a file named asciidoc.exe or asciidoc.cmd 
(or their asciidoc3 counterparts). The processor must be on the system path.

There are some installation complications. asciidoc is available as a 
zipped package and is not available via pip. Unzip it in some convenient 
location.  VR3 has a new setting to tell it where the unzipped asciidoc 
is.  For example -

@string vr3-asciidoc-path = D:\utility\asciidoc-9.0.2

asciidoc3 is available via pip but needs a post-processing step to complete 
its setup.  On some Windows installations this post-processing step may 
fail.  If so, the asciidoc3 test program  will probably fail also, as well 
as VR3's imported asciidoc3 code.  I have proposed fixes for these bugs on 
the asciidoc3 github site.  You can make these fixes yourself if you want.  
See these threads for details -

- https://github.com/asciidoc3/asciidoc3/issues/9
- https://github.com/asciidoc3/asciidoc3/issues/10

The maintainer seems to be interested in fixing the issues, so perhaps soon 
there will be a new version available.  Pending this update, it might be 
easier to use asciidoc instead.  I have not noticed performance difference 
between the two processors.

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