On Sunday, May 1, 2022 at 3:54:07 AM UTC-5 viktor....@gmail.com wrote:

Lately I have adapted my defaults a bit - and - execute 'test-all' cmd 
> whenever I modify / upgrade any Leo instance.
> Doing this now also with versions I downloaded directly from PyPI I 
> noticed that 'test-all' cmd returns failures & errors.

 Many thanks for your testing. It revealed a *serious* bug, as explained in 
#2633 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/2633>. Summary:

1. I am not going to change Leo's test-all command so that it works in 
python/site-packages/leo. The workaround is easy: run `python -m unittest` 
from python/site-packages/leo.

2. setup.py did not install the leo/test directory. This was a serious 
error that impacted Leo's execute-script command as well as unit tests.

Please test Leo again after Leo 6.6.2 is released. Thanks again!


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