Thanks for your answer Edward! :)

 I should have mentioned that I was editing leoserver in leointeg, and I 
happened to modify the file directly, (not via the Leo:BODY pane) and when 
saving, vscode asked me if I wanted to install (and format with) one of 
those 3 formatters. (autopep8, black, or yapf)

hehe, but no problem at all, i just ignored that popup and everything went 

thanks again for the details you've provided : I'll make sure to use the 
technique you described before making future pull request. :)


On Friday, February 3, 2023 at 5:00:42 PM UTC-5 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 2:55 PM Félix <> wrote:
> autopep8? or black, (or yapf?)
> Great question. I was unwisely assuming you knew the answer.
> To beautify Leo I run the script: leo/scripts/beautify-leo.cmd. Like all 
> .cmd files, this is a Windows-only script.
> I just checked. Yes, @clean ../scripts/beautify-leo.cmd (and all the 
> other .cmd scripts in leo/scripts) are in LeoPyRef.leo. Here is 
> beautify-leo:
> echo off
> cd C:\Repos\leo-editor
> echo beautify-leo
> call python -m leo.core.leoAst --orange --recursive leo\core
> call python -m leo.core.leoAst --orange --recursive leo\commands
> call python -m leo.core.leoAst --orange --recursive leo\plugins\importers
> call python -m leo.core.leoAst --orange --recursive leo\plugins\writers
> Leo's beautify-files command does roughly this for the files in the 
> selected outline, hence the name of the script. Running the script is 
> better/safer since the script beautifies all and only the desired files.
> I usually run leo/scripts/full-test-leo.cmd before pushing and after 
> pulling. full-test-leo includes beautify-leo. Please take a look at the 
> .cmd scripts in leo/scripts and adapt them for your environment as 
> necessary.
> My apologies that I haven't made my workflow more apparent. Info issue  
> #2867 <> mentions 
> these scripts, but cryptically.
> Edward

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