On Fri, Feb 3, 2023 at 5:01 PM Félix <felixgra...@gmail.com> wrote:

> vscode asked me if I wanted to install (and format with) one of those 3
formatters. (autopep8, black, or yapf)

> hehe, but no problem at all, I just ignored that popup and everything
went fine.

Oops! I forgot to mention that using black (and probably autopep8 or yapf)
would cause huge diffs. Black "helpfully" inserts a space between "#" and
"@" in all sentinel comments. I've discussed this with the black devs and
they yawned when I suggested a command-line option :-)

Hehe, the huge diffs aren't a huge problem. Leo can read files with
blackened sentinels. Rewriting the affected files, say with
write-at-file-nodes (Ctrl-Shift-W) removes the extra spaces.

> It's been quite a cleanup/rehaul for leoFind.py those past few weeks!

Yes. The results are worth the work.

> thanks again for the details you've provided

Back at you. It's been an excellent collaboration.

> I'll make sure to use the technique you described before making future
pull request. :)

And thanks again for your original question. I've just reopened #2867
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/issues/2867>. I'll rewrite it
using this thread as pre-writing.


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