I am now working on PR #3828 
<https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3828>: require Qt 6.6+. This 
PR is experimental and possibly controversial.

*The good news*

- leoQt.py contains no conditional imports. 

- leoQt.py defines all constants unambiguously.

- No Qt-related switches exist*.* Hurray! Removing these switches 
(especially isQt5 and isQt6) simplifies code throughout Leo.

*The controversial news*

Four Qt modules no longer exist in Qt6: *phonon*, *QtDeclarative*, 
*QtWebKit*, and *QtWebKitWidgets*. As a result, I have retired five of 
Terry Brown's plugins. There is no obvious way to make these plugins work 
with Qt6. 


PR #3828 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3828> removes all 
vestiges of Qt5 from Leo's codebase. Now is probably a good time to move to 
Qt6. Leo 6.7.8 installs only Qt6 without anyone complaining :-)

A one-line change to requirements.txt installs all necessary Qt6 modules. 
There is no need for conditional code in leoQt.py.

Five plugins are incompatible with Qt6 and have been retired to the attic: 
*notebook.py*, *richtext.py*, and three "editpane" plugins: *pandownview.py*
, *webengineview.py*, and *webkitview.py*. These plugins are no great loss. 
They do not work with the typical installation of Leo 6.7.8.

Please tell me what you think.


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