Every one of my fleet of Linux VMs has finally got PyQt 6.6, so that's 
favorable. No one can prove that *every* distro will have it - there are 
just too many variations - but so be it.  I don't know about ARM versions 
and don't have a way to check, but I suppose they are still not a likely 
host for Leo.

On Sunday, March 24, 2024 at 8:17:29 AM UTC-4 Edward K. Ream wrote:

> I am now working on PR #3828 
> <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3828>: require Qt 6.6+. 
> This PR is experimental and possibly controversial.
> *The good news*
> - leoQt.py contains no conditional imports. 
> - leoQt.py defines all constants unambiguously.
> - No Qt-related switches exist*.* Hurray! Removing these switches 
> (especially isQt5 and isQt6) simplifies code throughout Leo.
> *The controversial news*
> Four Qt modules no longer exist in Qt6: *phonon*, *QtDeclarative*, 
> *QtWebKit*, and *QtWebKitWidgets*. As a result, I have retired five of 
> Terry Brown's plugins. There is no obvious way to make these plugins work 
> with Qt6. 
> *Summary*
> PR #3828 <https://github.com/leo-editor/leo-editor/pull/3828> removes all 
> vestiges of Qt5 from Leo's codebase. Now is probably a good time to move to 
> Qt6. Leo 6.7.8 installs only Qt6 without anyone complaining :-)
> A one-line change to requirements.txt installs all necessary Qt6 modules. 
> There is no need for conditional code in leoQt.py.
> Five plugins are incompatible with Qt6 and have been retired to the attic: 
> *notebook.py*, *richtext.py*, and three "editpane" plugins: 
> *pandownview.py*, *webengineview.py*, and *webkitview.py*. These plugins 
> are no great loss. They do not work with the typical installation of Leo 
> 6.7.8.
> Please tell me what you think.
> Edward

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