(I'll keep this in the same thread for now)

Actually *typing* within the FreeWin window is behaving very strangely ... 
the cursor is hardly moving, or moving erratically, and my typed text is 
mostly coming out backwards?

I enter <return> a couple of times and the cursor returns to the top of the 
screen etc. ... any thoughts?


On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 9:11:16 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:

> Good find! You know, I don't even have a "python3" on my Windows path.  If 
> you had used the "py" launcher I think it would have worked right away.  I 
> didn't realize you weren't.  If there have been multiple installations of 
> Python and you don't use "py", lord knows what you will get. In a non-venv 
> command line session, "python" gets me python3.9, and "python3" gets me 
> nothing.
> In a venv session here is my sys.path listing running "py"
> C:\Tom\venvs>leo_2\Scripts\activate
> (leo_2) C:\Tom\venvs>py -V
> Python 3.12.3
> (leo_2) C:\Tom\venvs>py -c "import sys;print('\n'.join(sys.path))"
> C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\python312.zip
> C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\DLLs
> C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312\Lib
> C:\Users\tom\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python312
> C:\Tom\venvs\leo_2
> C:\Tom\venvs\leo_2\Lib\site-packages
> C:\Tom\venvs\leo_2\Lib\site-packages\win32
> C:\Tom\venvs\leo_2\Lib\site-packages\win32\lib
> C:\Tom\venvs\leo_2\Lib\site-packages\Pythonwin
> Running "python" in the same venv gives me exactly the same listing.  With 
> that sys path, and the Qt packages installed in the venv, they will be 
> found correctly. The same would be true outside of the venv if the Qt 
> packages had been installed with --user.
> "py" gets installed by the installer from python.org.  I gather it 
> doesn't when the install is done using the Microsoft store.
> I always use "py" to make sure I get the right Python executable. It even 
> knows about my 2.7 install which I need to keep for a legacy program that 
> uses Python 2.7 (actually, it's jython 2.7, but I have use python2.7 to 
> check some programs). With so many versions on my system, I don't let the 
> installer change the Window's path to the various Python scripts, because 
> if I did who knows how the path would end up after next time I install a 
> new version.
> On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 3:35:08 PM UTC-5 jkn wrote:
>> Problem found and fixed!
>> Ironic, given my comment in your GitHub elsewhere issue about 'python' 
>> and 'python3'...
>> your example script worked (ie. gave no errors) both within and without 
>> the venv. And then I took a look at LaunchLeo.py and saw the shebang line. 
>> And got thinking...
>> in the venv, "where python3" gives me a location within 
>> <username>\Appdata....\python3.exe
>> but 'where python' gives me a location within the venv, which is what I 
>> was expecting.
>> I have now rerun with just 'python' to re-install things under the venv. 
>> And we are up and running!
>> Also ironically, the shebang line (#! /usr/bin/env python3) is ignored I 
>> presume under Windows (who knows, these days). In fact that is probably 
>> part of why I was using 'python3' in the first place.
>> Oh, I was originally looking for that specific error on t'internet 
>> (Qt6WebEngineCore.dll not found) without much success.
>> Thanks a lot for your patient help, Thomas. I have learned a bit about 
>> venv in any case ;-)
>> Regards, jon N
>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 7:39:29 PM UTC tbp1...@gmail.com wrote:
>>> The only things I can think of at this point are to look again to see if 
>>> that dll file is actually present somewhere, and to try to import the web 
>>> engine directly in an interpreter session (IOW, not importing from LeoQt) , 
>>> e.g.,
>>> from PyQt6 import QtWebEngineWidgets
>>> QWebEngineView = QtWebEngineWidgets.QWebEngineView
>>> If the dll file never shows up, maybe an internet search about that 
>>> specific fact?
>>> On Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 1:38:20 PM UTC-5 jkn wrote:
>>> I've been experimenting and still not getting anywhere. Experiments 
>>> include:
>>> - using pip uninstall -r requirements.txt, then reinstalling
>>> - clearing out the cache: pip cache purge
>>> - deleting the PyQt files in ...AppData\...
>>> - editing requirements.txt to downgrade eg. PyQt6
>>> nothing has fixed my problem so far ;-(. It looks like there is only v 
>>> 6.7.0 of PyQy6-Webengine on PyPy BTW.
>>> All very rum ... but these are rum times...
>>>     J^n

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