It is not completely clear to me whether you want your widgets to
resize nicely.

If you just want one size, you can set XmNpaneMinimum and XmNpaneMaximum
on the two scrolledwindow widgets (the children of pane, and parents of text 
list widgets).

These constraint resources are described in the Motif documentation on 

You can e.g. set them both to the same value, which tells the pane widget not 
to allow
resize on that child. Setting both those resources on the list's parent to the 
value would imply that the List widget always gets the same space, if you 
the panedWindow, the area for the Text widget will get all the changes.

Or the other way around, as you desire.

If you want to stick to a 70/30 ratio, then panedwindow is not right for you.
Two solutions : stick with paned window and write a function to resize the 
when pane's size changes. (Not a work proc though !!)

Better solution : use XmForm and tell it that the ScrolledList's bottom is at 
and the ScrolledText's top as well.


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