On Mon, 29 Jan 2001, Alexander Mai gibbered:
> On Sun, Jan 28, 2001 at 11:59:43PM +0000, Nix wrote:
>> It just bloats the code a bit, that's all.
> [...]
> I wrote earlier I can't understand this.

(I misspoke. Strictly speaking it bloats the size of the binary a bit
and doesn't change the code in memory.)

> Nothing guarantees us those vars to have any value
> if we don't initialize them. "nothing" here refers to

You just *quoted* the bit of the standard that refers to static
variables being zero-initialized!


[reads back in thread]

Oops, you said `library-global' didn't you. Non-static global, not
static global as I thought.

*selfLART* That'll teach me to read mailing lists at one in the morning.

`On the Internet, you too can make a fool of yourself in front of

Sorry for wasting your time :( you're right of course, and I cannot

`Anyhow, that pipe dream doesn't say anything about the question you
 asked.  (I am planning for a career in politics.)' --- Mark Mitchell
                                                      on the GCC list

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