Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wanted to open this up to the entire community for further comments
> (especially for those that may not watch the alfs-discuss list). A
> question was brought up on alfs-discuss today that I thought deserves some
> attention.

Thank you for doing so.

> As far as I am aware, historically, ALFS as a project was conceived to
> provide access to various implementations of automating the building of
> LFS (and possibly extending to BLFS). Of course, now we have one official
> implementation and a new official build tool conceptualized. But should
> that be the extent of it? Or should ALFS endeavor to host various build
> methods/implementations?

Yes, the history is correct IIRC, so yes ALFS should host various
automated build methods.  However, and this is just my opinion, we
already have a perfect avenue to display anything new within the hints
project.  Anything LFS related, wether it different from the norm or
not, fits well there.  How many remember the PLFS hint?  Look at the LFS
build method now.  Take your time.  If enough interest is generated from
the hint, then discuss a new project to fall under ALFS, side by side
with nALFS.

-- DJ Lucas
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