On Thu, Sep 15, 2005 at 08:33:59PM +0200, M.Canales.es wrote:
> If that will meant that Cross-LFS will be focused on pure cross-build 
> techniques and scenarios, i.e. it assumes that  host-triplet != 
> target-triplet, thus no chroot way to build the final system, focusing the 
> normal LFS book on host-triplet = target-triplet builds (not only for x86, 
> but also for other archs, primarily x86_64) using the chroot way, then I 
> support the proposal.

Hrmmm. Interesting point Manuel. If I buy an x64_64 and cross-lfs it, I
will nave no need for cross-lfs anymore. I could use the current
cross-lfs host to build a standard lfs from there on (at least in
theory). Likewise, in the case of x86_64, faking the uname can just
about get you from x86 to x86_64. As the support for the new arch
continues to expand, eventually lfs would be able to conver it natively
without much change. However, more exotic desires such as multilib would
still require cross-lfs.

> But if we keep Cross-LFS as is now, and LFS centered only on x86, that could 
> meant the dead of the LFS book in a no very far future, IMHO.

Judging by how many people still use 486 and 586 machines, and adding to
that the fact that x86 is still the dominant mainstream purchase, I'd
say that LFS would have *several* years of vitality left. However, your
point is valid (timeline excluded) and should be considered thoroughly.


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