Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
However, (and perhaps this demonstrates the degree to which I love this project and the work), I wasn't able to keep myself away.

I am glad to have you back buddy.  Just take it easy and don't over do!  :)

As a result, this morning I see a malicious message in my Inbox from one of the team members here. It suggested that I created this notion of leaving LFS as a ruse to gain more recognition and ended with the comment that I 'need help'.

HA! Sorry, but the person who sent you that message is a sad human being, and himself should seek help. I am not sure how he/she would expect that you get more recognition because of this, only LFS members know that you left (I didn't see it on the TV news last week! ;)) and really no one outside of LFS really would care.

Basically, there is one a**hole in every crowd.  Don't let it get to ya.

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