On Fri, Feb 24, 2006 at 05:29:07PM +0500, Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:
> As written, this is incorrect. Increasing the logging verbosity achieves 
> nothing, because udev runs before syslogd. Proposed solution:
> 1) Implement some "restart" target in the udev initscript that kills old 
> udevd, starts a new one, pokes sysfs and waits for udev to process 
> uevents. This would be also useful for Suspend2, BTW.
> 2) Tell the reader to increase the logging verbosity and call this 
> target, so that everything gets logged.

With the caveat that I think we should somehow tell the user that
"restart" will be expensive, this sounds like a good idea.  (Stopping
udevd and starting a new instance won't take a long time, but poking all
the uevent files and running all the helpers/rules/etc. will.)

It should be easy enough to have only "start" and "restart" targets, and
have the "restart" target do a "killall udevd" (or whatever), then
simply run "$0" start (perhaps after waiting for a second).

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