
I made some changes to jhalfs to do more accurate disk usage and build time 
measurements. Due that into the editor's guide there is no mention (yet) 
about how to do that measurements, I implemented the next approach:

Disk usage is made in to steeps, a first  "du -skx $LFS" before to unpack the 
package, and a second  "du -skx $LFS" before to delete the sources and build 
dirs (excluding in both cases the jhalfs dir to not measure build log files).

Build time is measured enclosing each script run inside time {} commands. The 
time used to unpack the tarball, to remove the sources and build dirs, and to 
run both du commands aren't measured. But the time needed to apply patches, 
unpack additional packages (like libidn, bash-doc or vim-languages) or other 
extra commands placed inside the book instructions (like creating 
configuration files) are measured.

Generated logs look like this (with comments):

-------- Start 028-binutils-pass1 log -----

Sun Apr 23 16:44:37 CEST 2006 <-- time stamp before unpack

KB: 214480 /mnt/build_dir <-- disk usage before unpack

...... build commands output ....

real 2m22.411s  <-- build time 
user 1m45.668s
sys 0m27.766s

KB: 398016 /mnt/build_dir <-- disk usage before remove build dir

------ End of log ------

That should to work. But comparing the values obtained from my last jhalfs 
build with the current ones in the book, the differences are abismal in some 
cases. For example, for GCC-pass1 in the book we have:

Approximate build time: 4.4 SBU 
Required disk space: 219 MB

The values from jhalfs logs are:

Approximate build time: 8 SBU 
Required disk space: 513 MB
(After sources and build dir removal, the space used is 21.3 MB)

There is something wrong in how I'm doing the measuremetns in jhalfs?, or are 
the current values in the book actualy wrong?

Manuel Canales Esparcia
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