> Date: Sat, 01 Mar 2014 20:33:55 -0600
> From: Bruce Dubbs <bruce.du...@gmail.com>
> To: LFS Developers Mailinglist <lfs-dev@linuxfromscratch.org>
> Subject: Re: [lfs-dev] Are we ready for LFS-7.5?
> Armin K. wrote:
> > On 2.3.2014 2:55, akhiezer wrote:
> >>>> Why should we care when it's a distribution issue? Every "sane" distro
> >> It's not a 'distribution issue': you're wrong.
> > It is. Package ships *.la file that depends on another *.la file which
> > no package ships that the former one depends on. Packaging error.
> I have to agree with Armin on this point.  An .la file is installed that 
> depends on another file that is not installed.

Two wrongs ... ; ref note to Armin on such perceptions; and ref foot of
below further on package dependencies.

> That said, I do think we need to address it in some way.  Even if it's 
> just a note.
> I took a look at http://sotirov-bg.net/slackpack/pack.cgi?id=1280 and 
> the item 'SlackBuild: Yes, included' indicates to me that it should be 
> present.

(Hmmm, that's a secondary/tertiary reference, surely - and no offence to
them, I'm sure they'd agree at least re 'non-primary ref'.)

> It's really up to the user to install it though.  We don't want to get 
> into the business on advising how to install a package on a distro.
> A little googling suggests a check on slackware can be done with:
> find /var/log/packages -name gmp\*

Not entirely sure what point is being made there: but here goes: yes,
the 'l/' series - that includes the lib{gmp,mpc,mpfr} - is expected
to be installed for even a minimal install; and the docs make this
absolutely clear. (Info on install/upgrade is stored mainly under:
/var/log/{setup,{removed_,}{packages,scripts}}/{gmp,libmpc,mpfr}* - NB the
'lib'mpc, re name clash with some other software.)

At the same time, slackware will allow you to install whatever packages you
want; and it - by and large - won't hold your hand for auto- dependency
checking. It's rather like b/lfs in at least that respect: if you know
enough to chop'n'change away from default supported methods (cf 'follow book,
...') then it is assumed that you know enough to do the right things and
to handle any fall-out; tho' of course folks'll still help - just like
for b/lfs.

Hope that helps clarify at least some things.



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